Some 25 rising star travel professionals including Nepalis are taking part in PATAcademy- Human Capital Development (HCD) course.
“The rising star travel professionals from 13 destinations gather today for the first PATAcademy-HCD – that started today – at the PATA Engagement Hub in Bangkok.
The four-day PATAcademy-HCD demonstrates PATA’s next generation commitment to lifetime Human Capital Development.
Twenty-five rising stars nominated by their organisations, with, on average, five years’ work experience, hail from Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Guam, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Lao PDR, Macau SAR, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Best practice and site visits will be key components of the tourism training course.
Participants will experience advanced level classroom interaction with leading practitioners and take field visits to see best practices in action in and around Bangkok.
“The inaugural PATAcademy-HCD shows PATA’s commitment to human capacity development on behalf of the Asia Pacific travel industry,” PATA chief executive Martin J Craigs said.
“The PATA Academy-HCD shows how the private and public sector both play pivotal roles in human capacity development and the delivery of new ideas that are defining the future of tourism,” Chairman of PATA Education and Training Committee Peter Semone.