Some 1,349 Nepali youth are leaving the country for foreign employment every day in an average making it some 41,044 every month as the government failed to generate employment back home.
Some 492, 532 youth left the country for foreign employment in the year 2070, according to the Department of Foreign Employment.
The outflow of migrant Nepali workers increased by 59,506 in 2070 compared to 2069, the data revealed, adding that the month of Asar saw the highest outflow – that is over 50,000 – and the lowest in Bhadra at 24, 214.
Of the total, some 461, 769 were male and 30, 763 female, it said, adding that the number does not include those who have left the country for foreign studies and also going via Indian territory.
The department has estimated that some 100,000 workers go abroad for jobs via India, according to the department’s spokesperson Badri Kumar Karki.
The data also revealed that the top destinations for foreign jobs are Malaysia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Kuwait.
Malaysian retained its position of the first choice when it comes to foreign employment as it received 166, 898 Nepali migrant workers followed by Qatar, where some 112, 079 Nepali youth went. Likewise, Saudi Arabia stood third with 74, 391, and Dubai become fourth as it received 48, 634 and Kuwait 20,724 Nepali migrant workers.
Malaysia prefers Nepali security guards attracting a large number of Nepali migrant workers. Qatar that is a rising economy is also in need of more Nepali workers as it is hosting 2022 world cup football.