The country does not have records of around one sixth of the total budget of last fiscal year, according to the Office of the Auditor General.
“The government has no records of some Rs 72 billion technical assistance (TA) of the last fiscal year,” said spokesperson of the Office of the Auditor General Baburam Gautam.
The budget for the last fiscal year stood at Rs 404.82 billion. “But Rs 72 billion TA has not been reported in the auditor general’s report, he said, adding that lack of monitoring of such huge amount will encourage financial indiscipline, and accountability of the foreign aid.
The National Planning Commission (NPC) has fixed 20 per cent maximum for the consultancy service in the total aid, a joint secretary of the NPC Gopi Nath Mainali.
Though the NPC has asked not to increase consultancy service fee to more than 20 per cent of the aid, it needs strict monitoring and auditing. “It has to be brought under the public scrutiny and audited, he said, adding that accountability and transparency will help boost the effectiveness of the foreign aid.
Recently the NPC has also asked to use local consultants to stop flow back of of the aid money in the name of consultant or technical assistance.
“The audit of total technical assistance by the supreme audit agency in the country will help trace financial flow, transparency and accountability.