The second largest party and a coalition partner in the government, Communist Party of Nepal-United Marxist Leninist (CPN-UML) has re-endorsed the seven-province federal model as its official position.
The party has, however, said that it is flexible on number of province, if any party floats pragmatic proposal that could bring all the parties on board and help draft Constitution on time.
CPN-UML has also claimed that it is for directly elected prime minister and the House-elected president as the form of governance. The model is expected to ensure stability in the country, the party said, proposing mixed electoral system, directly elected representatives and nominated candidates from various sections of society to represent marginalised communities.
Likewise, the seven provinces should be formed on the basis of identity and capability, the party said, adding that the federal states should be economically and administratively viable.
The party took the decision – of seven-federal model with five components of identity and four pillars of capability – after three days of intensive discussion. The five components of identity, according to the party, are language, culture, geography, history and continuity. Likewise, economic viability, natural resource, infrastructure and capacity are four pillars of capability.
The proposal also claims to adhere to the multi-ethnic, multi-linguistic and pluralistic identity of the country. CPN-UML floated the multiple identity-based federalism, as the people through second Constituent Assembly elections rejected single identity-based federalism, said the leaders of the party that was earlier too against the single identity-based federalism.
The party has proposed Limbuwan-Kirat-Koshi, Tamsaling-Newa-Bagmati, Magarat-Tamuwan-Gandaki, Bheri-Karnali, Seti-Mahakali, Tharuhat-Awadh-Lumbini and Mithila-Bhojpura-Janakpur as the seven federal states.
After the second Constituent Assembly (CA) the three major parties including Nepali Congress, CPN-UML and UCPN-Maoist, have promised to deliver the Constitution by January 22.
Earlier, newly elected CPN-UML chairman KP Oli was for the three or five province, but the party re-endorsed its earlier proposal of seven-province model. But the party has not clarified on demarcation of provinces as earlier they were lobbying for North-South states.
CPN-UML also said that it would be impossible to write Constitution, if the party decides everything on its own and does not leave room for compromise