Market analyst Rabindra Bhattarai has brought his new book ‘Fundamental Analysis of Share’ in the market.
The book will help investors analyse relationships among market, economy and the company, according to the author.
An intelligent and long-term investor anylises indicators of the company before buying the stock, but it is also important to analyse industry, economy and its trend, according to the book that has tried to give tips for fundamental analysis – one of the two major analysis techniques of the stock market – for the beginners.
Fundamental analysis will help investors create wealth in the long run, the book advices, adding that the investors must, thus, do fundamental analysis before selling or buying shares for maximum benefit.
As stock market is considered a mirror of the economy, it always follows the rule book, and the ‘Fundamental Analysis of Share’ – that has 30 chapters with enough examples for the beginners to learn the tricks of the trade – has explicitly described what is fundamental analysis and how to take benefit of it.
The 11th book of the author and Securities Research Centre and Services (SRCS) – that has published many books related to share market under its financial literacy series – also has a case study report for investment that has added value to it.
As the market started heating – after the successful Constituent Assembly (CA) elections and its result – the book might be useful for an intelligent investment.